Tuesday 7 May 2013

Pin It Button From urbpin

What is a pin it button you might ask? It was invented by the founder of Pinterest.com for browsers. It sits at the top of your browser, like Google Chrome and waits for you to find and image you really like. When you do, and you want to share it, you don't have to download it or copy. You just hit your pin it Urban Button and magically, the browser grabs the photo and pins it to your account. Of course you have to tell it which board you want to pin it on, and enter your caption, but this wonderful Pinterest app takes care of the rest.

It is one of the fastest growing websites on the web this year, so now is the time to open an account if you haven't already, and get the pin it button on your browser and also on your website for downloading and installing. The more you pin, the more you can draw traffic. This button is so easy to install and use that a kid can do it. Just log in at the site and look in the upper right corner for the Pinterest app download. Install it, and you are ready to go pinning.

Pins honor the author by creating a link trail, so the originator receives credit and potentially some traffic as well. You can access viral internet power with this, especially if you link it to your Facebook, Twitter and other sites. Those tools are also right there on the Pinterest.com site. Of course you must have an account, so if you don't... what are you waiting for?

They say a picture is worth a million dollars... I mean words, right? That is why pinning is so popular right now. Pick visuals that will attract attention, stimulate interest for sharing and more information, and a caption that leads them to your offering or website. Affiliate income can also be tied into this process. Your pictures and images should appeal to the crowd you seek. If you want to attract women who want to buy purses, then use your pin button to pin pics of women's clothing, jewelry, bangles and purses. Avoid pictures of surfing. A nice beach photo might help though. As you collect more and more pics on your boards (which are like folders that organize your pics) people will tend to stay longer and interact more on your Pinterest site. I've seen boards with 100's of photos, and some were awesome collections! Keep that pin it button ready as you start hunting for those awesome images.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7226662

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